Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

13 May 2007

SUN 13 - One more sleep!!

I feel like a little kid, are we there yet? Nope, it's tomorrow, just one more sleep to go :-)

Just to whet your appetite (as if anything more was needed) the folks over at have a preview snippet of David Hewlett's character Larry and Will. It is just a small section of dialogue but it does seem that we will be getting to see some great stuff from David in a very different role from that which we have previously seen him.

So far I have been very impressed with the glimpses that we have seen from the Sanctuary folks. I hope I haven't got my hopes set too high, I don't think I have but we'll just have to wait a little while longer to see.

The geek in me came across a few interesting things recently :

  1. Caffeine overload, just what I need to get me through those long nights when everything goes wrong at work. A D cell battery like container filled with Chocolate Espresso Beans, Chargers indeed! Check it out at ThinkGeek
  2. Need a late Mother's Day present? Try these LED roses. Check it out at UberReview

  3. The "Red Rectangle" Nebula from the Hubble Telescope. Check it out at NASA

Catch ya later,

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