Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

06 August 2007

MON 06 - Afterworld appears - guess where!

Well here I am at a friends place watching the SciFi Channel on Foxtel (Australia) and guess what they announce is next up?? You got it! The world premiere of Afterworld!! So I just rewatched the first episode with my friend and it looked pretty good on a big screen TV. Unfortunately I don't have Foxtel anymore so I'm working on getting my friend to record them for me but he is incredibly unreliable. Hmmmmm maybe I need to start searching through friends and acquaintances for another Foxtel source.

I wonder when the rest of the world will be getting it released to them and through what medium???? Hang on!! I just remembered that I signed up at for info on it's release, so it looks like the bozos still haven't got their act together yet.

On the Sanctuary front, the new preview is out but I haven't seen it yet. I'll have to wait until I get home to watch it as my friend only has limited internet usage :-( I must introduce him to broadband and the notion of unlimited bandwidth! I'll update the preview vids tomorrow when I get home.

The geek in me came across a few interesting things recently :

  1. A cute but useless USB dohickey - I want one! Check it out at Popgadget

  2. Those Dick Tracy watches are getting closer every day. Check it out at ThinkGeek

  3. Where's RoX?? Here's another cool boatcar. Check it out at GizModo

Catch ya later,

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