Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

30 March 2007

FRI 30 - The Return of The X-Files??

Yes indeedy, rumours of a second X-Files movie have surfaced yet again following an interview with David Duchovny, you can read it here. If true we may hear something more in the next two weeks. I certainly would welcome a second movie as I loved everything about the X-Files up until the first movie, you could label me a hard core fan up until then. Afterwards things seemed to slip a bit and while I did remain a fan till the end, I wasn't totally into it like I was in the early years. It may be time to break out my complete set of DVD's and have myself a little marathon.

Back on the Sanctuary front :-)
I really liked the new trailer. The music is catchy and I liked how we got glimpses of characters, Sanctuary itself, the old city with the new city on the horizon, flashes to the past and a build up to the action sequences. Stunningly topped off with "it's all up to you" and "Make your choice!". We have enough hints now so that I KNOW I WANT TO SEE THIS as soon as possible!! Damian & Co you have done a great job so far, keep up the good work.

The geek in me came across a few interesting things recently :

  1. This little experiment during the week on the International Space Station caught my attention a few years back. Some SciFi books and shows have had little droids or bots floating around space stations or undersea research vessels/bases doing all kinds of amazing things and it is experiments like this that will be the forerunners of the little buggers of the future. Check it out at NASA
  2. Another fascinating concept vehicle. This time a hydrofoil for ultra fast transport on inland/coastal waters. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of these if it ever gets built. Check it out at Sureda
  3. Things are looking good for SpaceX to begin it's operational phase in September, launching a satellite for the US Navy. The second test flight of Falcon 1 did have some problems but it is considered about a 95% successful test flight. Commercial space operations are a step closer. See the updated report at SpaceX

Catch ya later,

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