Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

04 March 2007

SUN 04 - Amanda Tapping & Damian Kindler

I was going to take Sunday off BUT I just saw that the scheduled interview of Amanda Tapping on the Slice of SciFi Show is now #099 and will be on this week. Amanda & Damian Kindler will be talking about my new anxiously awaited web show - Sanctuary. YAY!!

Check out the details of the coming Sanctuary interview at Slice of SciFi and tune in later in the week for the podcast.

Oh and while I was visiting Slice of SciFi I found out that Joss Whedon is releasing a Comic Book for Buffy The Vampire Slayer that picks up a few months after the end of the series. If you love comics and Joss Whedon (me, me, me!) then it could be worth checking it out at Slice of SciFi
**Update** The preview link in that article doesn't work so go straight to the DarkHorse website and see the preview online

The geek in me came across a few interesting things recently :

  1. I've seen images from ASTER before but this one I must have missed. Grand Canyon in 3-D. Check it out at NASA
  2. Fill in interesting item when you stumble across it
  3. Fill in interesting item when you stumble across it

Catch ya later,

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