Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

28 July 2007

SAT 28 - Gadget Geek - "Different" vehicles

RoX here.

Tonight's dinner is casserole, nice blade steak and chunky veges, definitely the go for a cold winter's night (but not as good as last night's pizza!).

Photos and con reports are starting to trickle through now from Comic Con 2007 and i'll see if I can roundup links to a bunch of stuff tomorrow.

In the mean time here's a few things that I came across whilst trawling through Gizmodo. (Yes I'm a lazy sod, one visit to Gizmodo and I have days of stuff to post :-) )

Handsfree transporter. I'd seen a Segway before and this is similar but the designer is a performance artist and you HAVE to check out some of the stuff he has done at his website click on Performance once you are on the website for the vids.

A stingray sub - one of the vehicles in the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition held recently.

Magic Wheel - a different kind of scooter. I'll let you make up your own minds after checking out the vid.

Jet Kayak - Mate! This thing moves!

Definitely a different style of golf cart, I wonder how it handles?

Jetpacks that are commercially available now. Great stuff but they still only fly for about 30 seconds :-(

I've heard of high altitude jumps before but this one takes the cake. Who needs a spaceship?

Everglide - I'm not sure that this ugly bike will catch on.

A lithium ion electric motorcycle, you be the judge.

Proposed dual blade helicopter expected to break speed records

Gotta go, Doctor Who starts soon! See you all tomorrow.

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