Sanctuary Preview Webisode 7

16 March 2007

Fri 16 - What a Sanctuary Week!!

As you all may have guessed, this show has me hooked and it hasn't even premiered yet!

I woke up this morning to find that had a new interview with Damian Kindler with more info about Sanctuary. Damian also updated his blog and let us know that the new trailer has been delayed a couple of days till this weekend sometime. He also gave us an intro to Emilie Ullerup who plays Ashley Magnus.

I always boot up my computer first thing in the morning and download the news headlines into my eBookman to read later in the day. So I just downloaded the MP3 of Damian's interview as well and listened to it over lunch.

The more I hear from different people associated with the Sanctuary project, the more I feel that I'm going to like it. I'm a self confessed geek and I love special effects but I am not so enamoured of visual effects that I will forgive a lack of substance behind it. So far the impression that I'm getting is that we'll have wizz bang effects and ground breaking new tech BUT we will have solid characters with many layers and interesting plots. Yeah, I know I can be a tad demanding - great characters, great plots and great effects!!

As for the actors bringing us the characters, of the main ones, the only one that I'm familiar with is Amanda Tapping and I'm a huge fan of hers. What I love about Amanda is she is always in character whether she is the focus of a scene or not. She becomes the character. Amanda is also brilliant at non verbal communication. Each portrayal of a different character on Stargate had something different visually. You can pretty much tell just by looking at her when she is playing a different character - like an alternate reality Sam, or the entity, or Jolinar or that wonderful wonderful character RepliCarter!! Each character presented by Amanda has their own voice, facial expressions and body movements. A totally real delivery of another person / character and usually it is subtle but can be over the top when required. I just sooooo totally loved the geek version of Sam in Moebius in Season 8 of Stargate! OK end of fangurl moment.

I think I may have made a few Sanctuary converts today at work. At lunch time I was listening to Damian's interview and working on this blog when a friend walked in and asked me what I was doing (me at my desk at lunch time is a rarity). I got a raised eyebrow when I said I was listening to an interview and I explained about this really interesting new project Sanctuary. I could see the eyes glazing over as I rambled on, so I dragged my laptop out and played the teaser and the Daily Planet segment and my friend just went WOW. Of course by this time a few more people wandered into my office wondering what all the excitement was about so now we have another 5 people who are going to check out the premiere of Sanctuary!!

So this week's Sanctuary roundup :
  1. Keep an eye out this weekend for the new Sanctuary trailer
  2. The behind the scenes segment from Daily Planet (Check Wednesday's blog entry for the vid)
  3. The Slice of SciFi podcast with N. John Smith or catch the transcript of it at
  4. Damian's interview with the people at
  5. The Sanctuary blog has been updated with an introduction to Emilie Ullerup
  6. Gateworld interview of Damian Kindler

The geek in me came across a few interesting things recently :

  1. I saw this tryke car and immediately went TRON!! A new hybrid car (maybe for midgets. Check it out at Fly the Road
  2. KIBO has arrived at NASA. The Japanese module for the International Space Station can now begin preparations for launch in three parts. The first part is due to fly into orbit aboard shuttle mission STS-123. Check it out at NASA
  3. Flying wings. They've been talking about these for years and it seems that Boeing have a prototype ready for testing. Check it out at CNNMoney

Catch ya later,

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